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Commercial Partnerships

And, with 30% of consumers looking for brands with strong ethical connections* – everyone benefits.

*Deloitte Sustainability and Consumer Behaviour Survey 2021

Donate a % of profits

Selling products, providing services, creating experiences – whatever your company shines at, you can do it to support CALM. It could be limited-edition merch, donating a proportion of profits, or even something a little more long term.

Cause Related Marketing is a great way of showing your company’s commitment to giving back, and super-visible to your customers too.

Just a heads up

If you’re gonna sell something in aid of CALM, great! But you have to get permission first – it’s not us, it’s the law. Whether you’re donating to charity through sales of products or services, you’ll need a written agreement before you start promoting it. So drop us a line, we’ll do the due diligence to check we’re the right fit, and if we’re all good – we’ll send you a contract. It’ll be painless, promise.

Tapping into your customers

Other ways you can fundraise through your customer base:

  • Add a discretionary donation to customer bills or implement a bill roundup system

  • Donate your bag levy to CALM

  • Host a public fundraiser in your stores or branches


  • RMG Digital

    RMG Digital, a talent solutions provider, has proudly supported CALM since October 2021. During this period they have generously donated 5% of their profits each quarter to support CALM in the fight against suicide. Working with CALM, RMG digital have created a supportive working environment, where staff and clients feel they can discuss their mental health without fear of judgement, and feel fully supported.

  • Happystride

    Award-winning running & fitness brand, Happystride specialises in jazzy & functional running wear that brings an extra bit of brightness to your workout. Happystride believe that running helps empower happy minds and bodies, so every time they made a sale during 2022, they made a donation to CALM. Happystride's fun designs, ranging from banana and leopard print, to trendy geometric patterns have raised enough to fund over 600 lifesaving calls to CALM’s lifesaving helpline and webchat (and counting).

  • Pieminister

    Renowned bakers, Pieminister, cheffed up special ‘Its All Gravy Meal’ in aid of CALM. If the mouthwatering pie recipe wasn’t enough reason for people to tuck in, £1 from every meal sold and 20p from every signature Pieminister lager pint sold was donated to CALM. The campaign was an incredible success, raising over £11,000 in 5 months, whilst raising awareness of our services amongst at-risk students. Now that's what you call Baking things better!


Set up a Cause Related Marketing agreement here


If you'd like to partner with us and use your brand to create culture changing campaigns, compelling content and raise awareness, go here...