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It's time to
Break The Ice

We’ve teamed up with Iceland to kickstart a nationwide conversation about suicide.

And we're aiming big. Together we want to start 5 million life-saving conversations - one for each of their weekly customers.

An illustration of a white, frosty brain on a green background.

Brains, they’re a bit like freezers...
When things build up, it can be hard to open the drawers.

We want to help you spot the signs that a mate, colleague, or loved one might need a clear out. Because when we break the ice on mental health, those drawers get easier to open.

That’s why we’re teaming up with Iceland Foods and The Food Warehouse to #BreakTheIce and start life-saving conversations

Together, we’ll kickstart a nationwide conversation about suicide to help smash the silence, tackle stigmas and save lives. The incredible Iceland team is also aiming to raise a huge £300k to help fund our vital suicide prevention services.

5 icons of people, with one coloured in lime green

Worried about someone?

It can be hard to know when someone you care about is finding things tough and even harder to know what to say – we got you. Check out these Guides to help you break the ice.