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28th May 2024

The man who ran the entire tube map to smash the stigma around struggling

“I’ve been in the fortunate position where I’ve had people around me to help me through difficult times and a lot of people don’t have that. Running’s helped my mental health so much, so it felt like a good way to give back to anyone who might not have support from people to help them through difficulties.”

A run like this is never without hurdles, and Jonny came across some pretty big ones. When he planned his run for September, Jonny had bargained on some cooler weather to make his challenge a bit more manageable, but the weather had other things planned.

“I thought we’d have longer days and the heat wouldn’t be as high, but then we had four heatwaves where it was above 30 degrees. I had to adjust to that with a lot of ice-cold water over my head every twenty or thirty minutes to keep me cool. We would start running at four in the morning so we could get as many miles in before the real heat of the day. Some days I was running 14 hours from sunrise to sunset. You have to get as many miles in early so you’ve got the rest of the day to rest, recover and refuel.”

Jonny’s challenge raised a HUGE £23,000 for our services. He’s just one of hundreds of people who choose to do something legendary against living miserably.

Inspired by his efforts? Why not take on a challenge of your own and take action against suicide?

Take on a challenge

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