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Bethany, 17

This is the last photo I took of Beth at one of her last gigs… just weeks before her death, aged seventeen. We had no indication that she was struggling with her mental health, other than that she’d expressed a sadness and frustration about not being able to see friends or go to college due to lockdown.

Beth truly had the world at her feet and was loved beyond measure. Sadly, another example of a precious young life taken before it could fulfil its wonderful potential.

My belief is that greater education around mental health and suicide is needed. Age appropriate teaching from primary school, through secondary school, equipping our young people with life skills they need to keep themselves and others safe.

We all deserve a second chance. There is always ‘hope’.

Mike, Beth’s Dad
3 Dads Walking

Suicidal doesn’t always look suicidal

The Words: How to start a conversation

The Signs: What signs to keep an eye out for