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CALM is on the Beeb, and we need you to tune in


Jade lost her Dad to suicide last year. In the months after his death, she developed PTSD, which has had an enormous effect on her daily life - stopping her from being able to travel on public transport. Struggling, Jade reached out to CALM’s WhatsApp service, looking for support. She is now a dedicated campaigner, working with us to stop other families from going through what she has. She lobbied her local council, leading them to make investments and changes, securing local infrastructure, to ensure that anyone who is struggling can get the help that they need, when they need it most.


Kirsty’s twin brother took his own life in 2017, aged just 23. The profound loss led to her struggling with her own mental health, feeling like she was alone and had no one to turn to. So she called CALM, reaching out to our helpline for support. Her experience as someone who is bereaved by suicide, as well as a service user, meant that she had valuable insights that could help the team, so she worked with us to use her story to contribute to product testing, helping us reach more people, more effectively.


Zachary first developed anxiety in his second year of university. When lockdown happened, living in a new city, away from his friends and family, it got worse – to a point where doing daily things like taking the bins out became impossible. It took over his life, and when lockdown ended, he couldn’t leave the house, or see his friends. Zachary’s phone call to CALM was a turning point in his life. He explained his situation and struggles to a friendly voice, and it was the moment he began to ‘sort himself out’.