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What CALM does, why we do it and how

How to talk about what we do to your friends, family and supporters.

Our helpline

Also available through webchat and WhatsApp, is open 5pm - midnight 365 days a year.

Our professional helpline team chat to anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts, who has lost someone to suicide, or who is worried about a loved one. All chats are free, confidential and anonymous.

In 2023, our helpline staff gave more than 3 million minutes of support.

  • Highly-trained paid staff: Our helpline is staffed entirely by paid helpline professionals with experience in support fields such as social work and therapy.

  • Interventionist: Unlike listening services, if someone is in imminent danger, we work to get the person to a place of safety and can contact emergency services for them.

  • Solution-focused: We strive to make sure that the support provided is bespoke and relevant to every person's situation.
An illustration of multiples speech bubbles floating out of an open door, with one speech bubble showing a phone icon in it.

CALM Guides

Available free and on-demand on our website.

Our guides give friendly, practical info and advice on what you or someone you know may be going through. They cover a lot of issues that can leave people feeling down or like they've hit a wall.

Topics include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Loneliness and social isolation
  • Sexuality
  • Alcohol and drugs

Our online content was read, watched and listened to over 600,000 times in 2023/24.


Through our campaigns we challenge stereotypes and challenge the stigma that prevents people talking about suicide. And we use music, sport, art and anything in between to get our message across and to help people find the strength to seek help.

Our campaigns create real impact, get people talking and, crucially, change the conversation. Check out some here:

Building community

We spread our message by being in universities, pubs, clubs, football stadiums, and prisons across the country.

Because we know that suicide is preventable, not inevitable - that there is always hope, always a reason for living.

Thousands of people have already taken a stand with us. Join us and together we can save lives and change society.

Why we do it

Anyone can feel suicidal. CALM stand together with everyone who’s struggling with life, no matter who they are, where they’re from or what they’re going through.


  • In 2023, our helpline staff gave more than 3 million minutes of support.
  • That’s 3 million+ minutes of helping someone struggling.
  • 3 million+ minutes spent finding a way forward together.
  • 3 million+ minutes of life-saving conversations.


  • £12.20 can fund a potentially life-saving call on our helpline
  • £24 can provide support materials for a family who have lost someone to suicide
  • £109 can equip a volunteer
  • £440 can train a professional helpline worker to speak to people who are struggling