We’ve adapted to a new normal, pressing traffic light buttons with elbows, shouting at the telly when actors aren’t two metres apart and swerving to avoid strangers when out and about. Many of us have spent months dreaming of the day all this nonsense comes to an end, so why are some feeling overwhelmed about the prospect of the uk opening back up again on the 21st June? CALM took a look at why it’s normal to feel a bit nervous about being unlocked.
Over the past year, our worlds have become dramatically smaller. Many of us haven’t travelled further than the local park and the most socialising we’ve done has been with Pam at the local supermarket. Home has become a safe space from the big scary world outside and we’ve cushioned ourselves with new routines and habits. A poll on our socials showed just how mixed emotions are – with 64% of you saying you were feeling anxious and only 36% relaxed.
But with the announcement of a roadmap out of lockdown there’s hope this will be the last lockdown. With vaccines rolling out across the country and a falling infection rate, it feels like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but as our worlds slowly start to expand again, it’s normal to feel a bit weird.
Maybe you’ve preferred life in lockdown, you’re worried you’ve forgotten how to socialise, or feel nervous about the safety of returning to the hustle and bustle of reality. There are lots of things to feel anxious about, so here’s our roundup of some post-lockdown worries and how to quieten them. And remember, whatever you’re feeling CALM are here no matter what.