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What are body image worries?

Hair, height, weight, gains… most of us have got something we feel a bit self conscious about. It’s normal to feel crap about your looks from time to time, no matter who you are, what you look like, or what gender you are

What you can do

How you feel about your body can impact your mental health and make you feel really low, worthless or alone

Why it happens

Body image is influenced by loads of stuff, including our childhood, the people around us, and the types of bodies we see in the media

  • Jamie Laing’s Story

    “An immediate shame came over me, I then, from that moment on became conscious that I had to not eat certain foods... I was skinny because I thought skinny meant attractive”

  • Stevie Blaine’s story

    “I have struggled with my body image my entire life... I was in a
    terrible place with food and exercise and I was the lowest I’ve ever been and there wasn’t the resources or people there but by having these conversations, breaking down the social norms about men being these unmovable creatures who don’t talk about how they’re feeling it lets other men and boys know that it’s okay to speak about these things”

  • Russell Kane's story

    "Newsflash. You haven’t evolved to compare yourself to 1000 people a day, the human brain can’t handle it."

  • “I need to talk – I’ve been struggling with negative thoughts about myself and I feel like they’re spiralling and getting worse. I just want to chat about them to get them out in the open.”

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