Kodaline released their fourth studio album One Day At A Time on Friday to a world still coming to terms with the recent coronavirus pandemic. While the sentiment behind the album and its tracks was always to celebrate the relationship between friends and family, lockdown has made it all the more relatable.
None more so than the single Saving Grace, which was released in May. “Saving Grace is a song that’s about being there for each other – you know, through the tough times and through the good times. We’ve always written songs about trying to stay positive and supporting each other.”
While the inspiration behind the song is in keeping with Kodaline’s positive outlook, the video that accompanies it is entirely new – thanks to the unique circumstances posed by lockdown across the world.
“We like to put a lot of thought into our videos, we tend to create short movies, but with the lockdown we obviously couldn’t do that.”
What the band ended up with was a user generated video from Kodaline fans across the world documenting the ways they’re keeping in touch and getting through this utterly weird time.