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William, 46

I was 12 years old when I lost my Dad to suicide. 15 years have now past and during that time I have learnt so much about my Dad and suicide. It upsets me that he felt that suicide was the only way out of the pain that he was experiencing. Everybody in my hometown knew my dad - he was such a kind and caring guy. He experienced some adversity during his life, however suicide was still unexpected to those around him at that time.

My Dad didn’t want to die, he just didn’t want to experience the pain he felt any longer. He couldn’t see an alternative. I live in hope that, one day, everyone in this world knows what the signs of suicidal ideation are and will feel confident enough to ask someone the question if they’re ever worried or concerned.

Harry, William’s son

Suicidal doesn’t always look suicidal

Finding the words

The Signs: What signs to keep an eye out for