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1. Choose a time and a place to chat

  • "Plan a time and place, relay what I wanted to say, always goes better than you think"

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  • "We went for a drive. It’s easier to chat if someone isn’t looking at me"

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  • "At home, in a safe space I can control so that I’m not overwhelmed by my environment too"

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2. Be direct and honest

  • "I just said “I feel like I’m under a big weight and I’m not sure what to do”"

    Shared from Instagram
  • "She asked me if I was really okay so I was totally honest the whole time that I wasn’t okay and why"

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  • "I asked, do you feel unsafe within yourself? She said yes."

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Choosing a time and a place can help you to settle any nerves you might have, and also help you create a space where talking is easy and comfortable
An illustration of a white pencil drawing a black line on a green background

3. Find another way to say it

  • "Through writing & handed it to my GP / Therapist. Writing is easier than verbalising hard things"

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  • "I sent my mum a TikTok I related to and used it to start a conversation about how I feel"

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  • "Wrote everything down first to be sure I could articulate it in the moment"

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Illustration of a pair of round-rimmed glasses on a green background

4. Get professional help

  • I told a professional I didn’t/dont feel safe. I’m Unable to tell family how low I feel at the moment

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  • I'm on a waiting list atm but make regular appointments with my GP to check in.

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  • I went to see a therapist. Wasn't easy, still isn't, keep cracking on though

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A black and white photo of two people sitting on the floor, smiling, while playing an Xbox game

We’re here to help if you’re feeling on your own.

Check out the CALM Guides for support and advice on whatever you’re facing.

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