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5th May 2023

Unis aren’t recording suicides. Meet the parents campaigning for change

Tragically, Harry couldn’t see a way forward. He took his own life three years after starting the course he’d been so excited for. Alice and Rupert are still grieving their son and believe that his death was avoidable.

Alice was eager to find out how common it was for a student to take their own life and asked Harry’s university for the records of student suicides. She was shocked to discover that none of the 100 universities she wrote to kept a record of these numbers.

This was fuel for Harry’s parents to campaign for a change and they started the Harry’s Law petition. Alice and Rupert’s hope is that by recording students lost to suicide, universities will know how to look out for future students better. Rupert says:

“We decided to concentrate on the sharing of information because understanding what’s happening seems fundamental to developing better welfare policies. In The Tab’s survey 88% of students said they’d like access to this information, but universities believe knowing it could cause copycat incidents. We know however, that talking about suicide reduces the problem.”

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